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🚚LION TEA 獅子茶舍 - 店家自送 Delivered By Store
🚚 甜蜜堂 Sweet Mall - 店家自送 Delivered By Store (KL)
🚚 夠辣 Master Chili - 店家自送 Delivered By Store
McDonald's 麥當勞
McDonald’s & McCafé | 麥當勞 & McCafé
常甜 Always Sweet Dessert Cafe
肥妹小食 Fat Mui Snack
常樂漢堡燒雞AH Burger & Chick
Master congee 大師傅粥品
34號快餐店 (新流連屋快餐小食串燒)
Sharetea(Bauhinia Garden) 歇腳亭(寶盈花園店)
常韓 Always Korea
小方糖甜品Sugar Dessert